A new first!

After two months solid of rather intense dressage training, I felt we both needed a break from the routine. Today I dusted off my jump tack and set up some jumps.

Gentry has some limited jumping experience from his 30 day start three years ago, but I haven't jumped him over anything but the occasional log while in my dressage saddle.

So I set up an exe and an 18" vertical. We started with that and went over a few times in each direction. He didn't even put out effort to jump the exe; just trotted over it. We moved on to the little vertical. He nicely trotted in, jumped and cantered out on the correct lead!

I was so pleased with him that we ended on that good note. I think I will try and have a jump day once a week to mix it up. It was a nice break for both of us. And hey; I had fun jumping my pony!


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