Cannon Bone Wound: One Year Update

Can you believe that it has been an entire year (and a couple weeks) since Gentry sliced open his hind canon bone? I can't actually. That icy January day will probably be etched in my memory for all time. I can't help but think about it every-time I ice skate to the barn on my crampon laden muck boots. In good blog land form, I present you the one year update, before, stitched up, and one year later.

January 8, 2015: Stitched up.
January 17, 2016: All healed, one year later!
Interestingly, he has less winter white hair on the scar than he did this summer. I am hoping this will equate to less white hair this summer as well. Fingers crossed!

Now that it has been a year, that ligament should be fully healed up and I am in the all clear to start jumping again. You may notice the snow in the current photo however. so there won't be any jumping for a while yet. However, it will be a fun thing to tackle together this year, and I am excited about the prospect! It will just be fun casual jumping though, no showing over fences. We are focusing on Training Level dressage, in terms of showing this year.


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