The Fall Hustle

Having horses at home comes with one big downfall. It can, at times, be a lot of work. Fall is the main time when that is the case.

It currently looks like this outside:

It started snowing November 4th and hasn't stopped. We got lucky though, winter arrived about a month late for our area. So, although we didn't get all of the anticipated fall projects done around the farm, we did get the most important ones finished.

The list of finished Fall Hustle Projects (aka: get it done before it snows)

  1. Build two slow-feeder Slow Grazer boxes for the run-in shed.
  2. Stack 10 tons of hay in barn.
  3. Spread 1-year old composted manure in garden beds and plant garlic & shallots.
  4. Paint (at least) the south side of the barn - it got primered at least. Still needs red paint.
  5. Replace the last remaining 100' stretch of high tension wire with post and rail fencing.
  6. Install trench drains from barn gutters to outlet in pasture.
  7. Lay geotextile fabric and road mix (3/4" minus crushed rock) in high traffic areas around barn.
We literally finished project #7 the night it started snowing. I am also happy to report that Gentry's snowball rim's in his shoes worked as anticipated and kept me riding despite the snow. He's barefoot for the winter now though. Now that it is snowing, and the heated automatic waterer is doing it's job, I guess there is time to do a bit more than just work, eat, and sleep. For instance blog! 

Stay warm out there!


  1. What great projects for the farm, looks so beautiful!

  2. Those are some fantastic projects! Glad you got them done.

  3. Lots of great projects on the go :)

  4. Interested in hearing more about the geotextile fabric you laid - we plan to do this in a couple areas of our new property next spring. Where did you purchase your material and are there different thicknesses/strengths?


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