Skijoring inspiration

I got to enjoy some cyber Monday Sunday deals on Riding Warehouse, and ordered a Toklat CoolBack Fleece English Breastplate. It should arrive on Friday, until then all I can do is gaze at this lovely photo and let images of Hubs wiping out gracefully skiing behind my horse dance in my head.

Since I like to do research in lieu of a social life anything else, here is an "inspirational" instructable I stumbled across...

The instructable has some good safety points. The author is probably one of those scorned lonely guys that like to sit on Reddit and preach about how one should never date a horse girl. But I digress. It was enough to make me briefly reconsider doing this. Briefly. I'm doing it! At least once! I roughly picture us doing this right up until second 16 of the video. I think we aught to leave off the jumps. But then again, I'll be on the horse, not the skis. So I guess it's not really up to me.

Then there is this video of a skijoring comp in Wisdom, MT

This video makes it all look like a fabulously fun adrenaline rush. Before you think I'm that much of a bad ass, consider that at the one minute mark you will see some begium drafts pulling a sled. That's more the speed I imagine going.

Next up is video from the Whitefish, MT skijoring competition showing the novice divsion. Way more my speed.

Lastly I found this video, and decided that maybe JR really does need a pony after-all...even if HE never rides it!

Now that is just friggin' cute!



  1. Haha! When I was a kid, I somehow talked my totally non-horsey dad into taking me to a winter carnival to watch skijoring. It's pretty badass.

    1. I'm pretty excited about it. Not being much of a badass though, I question how far we will progress in this venture. We shall see!


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