April 8, 2015

Just a Little Vacation

Vacation Time

It is time I take a little break from blogging. I am not disappearing from the blogosphere all together, but lets be real about this for a moment. Gentry isn't a colt. He's a green bean. A lot of the basics of bringing on a colt have already been covered with him. Despite that he is green and we still have a TON of under-saddle work to take on, with the tendon injury, this year is going to be pretty non-eventful in regards to training. Given that that is the focus of this blog...it seems a little pointless to be grasping at straws to try and post relevant articles three times a week.

Moving Forward

My plan is to pop on here once a month, or more often if we do anything truly exciting, and chronicle what we've worked on/accomplished that month. Also, if the unlikely happens and I end up with a Gatsby colt in my pasture anytime soon, I will be back to blogging full force. I am very much looking forward to that! For now though, it's time I focus more energy on my business and a little less on blogging, when in fact I have very little to blog about at the moment.

I hope that you will all hang around, as I look forward sharing our goings on with you. For my part I will be checking your blogs and enjoying living vicariously through everyone else's show seasons this year!



  1. I eagerly await the day you get your Gatsby colt ;)

  2. Aw, a bit sad you won't be posting lots but I can't wait to hear more about Gentry!

  3. good luck bringing Gentry along through his recovery - i'll be here reading for any sporadic updates :)

  4. Make sure to pop in now and again with some pictures of Gentry's cute face! Otherwise I'll miss him too much and you may find him missing one day... LOL



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