2pointer Challenge

I have decided to partake in L.William's 2pointer challenge this year. My baseline is 3m24s. I am not disappointed in that number, but not stoked either. I am not disappointed because I don't even know the last time I was in two-point and I haven't been riding regularly, so hey, I got my butt out of the saddle. Also, Gentry didn't care about me being out of the saddle at all, so that was good too.

From my two-point. View of my grass riding field, and future arena.

I am not stoked though, because the reason I didn't go longer had nothing to do with balance or muscle fatigue. My right ankle got pissed off and gave out. I used to have ankle issues when I was in college and jumping a lot. I would even have to ride with my ankle wrapped. Those days have long ago passed, and I thought that my ankle was solid these days, until yesterday. The joys of aging. Meh.

Happy trails and swooshing tails! 


  1. My right ankle is also not happy with me, but that's because I was stupid and fell off a horse and f'ed it up. Fun times.

  2. Ick sorry about your ankle!! I hope it doesn't hurt your progress this month.

  3. What a nice view! Hopefully your ankle will strengthen with more consistent riding. Nothing wrong with werong an ankle support until it gets there a lot of us are nearly duct taped together at least at some point. ;)

    1. I may have to do that. I will reassess after my next ride.

  4. yay for 2pointober! but boo for ankle issues (have you tried different stirrpus? jointed or composites?). gorgeous arena view, btw

    1. Yes! I forgot about that factor, thanks for the reminder. In fact, on my jumping saddle I normally ride in jointed stirrups which helps my ankles a lot (as I now recall, that is why I started riding in jointed stirrups). Right now though, I only have my dressage saddle that fits Gentry, so I am in regular stirrups. I don't normally do two-point in my dressage saddle. Ha! Dilemma solved!


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