Wordless Wednesday

So this happened last night. Yeah, I live in Montana.

Cold/snow energized boy.

Nice dry snow free run-in.

Trusty old Ritchie Commander waterer doing it's non-freezing job.

Happy trails and swooshing tails!


  1. Ho boy. That's Montana for you I suppose.

    I'm in love with your barn, btw. Snow free run-in for the win! And the new header is great.

  2. OMG. I am so, so sorry!! I saw pics of all the snow at Spruce Meadows, and my mind was blown.

  3. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  4. I have to say I just love the way he is built. He is so gorgeous! I'm so happy we don't have snow yet lol. I'm not ready for winter at all!


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