September 9, 2014

Back in the Tack

I finally managed a ride on Gentry today. Earlier in the day, baby monitor by my side and cell phone in my pocket, I groomed and longed him while Junior was napping.* Then Gentry had the afternoon off until Hubs got home. Whilst one ginormous Costco pot pie baked in the oven, I left Junior to play with Hubs and snuck down to the barn for a quick ride while there was still daylight. We did a short 20 minute walk/halt/steering school in the small paddock behind our barn.

At first, Gentry was (understandably) full of anxiety. This was exhibited by his anxiously chomping on the bit and working hard to do what was being asked of him. However, he never placed a hoof out of order the whole ride. I do love how hard he pays attention and how hard he tries. By the end of our little lesson he was relaxed and calm, with no chomping. Toward the end, Hubs and Junior came down to see us and snapped a quick photo of me on the little guy.

1st ride on my little, not so little looking, guy.
*Today was the first time that it really dawned on me how much easier and convenient it is to work with a horse when you have it at home. This is going to be a great thing!

Happy trails and swooshing tails!


  1. I think you made a great choice. I really like this guy! And yes, it's SO nice to have your horse at home. :)

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  3. Aww, Gentry has such a sweet, sweet face <3

  4. Glad you're back in the saddle!

  5. Having them at home is great isn't it?? I love it! I LOVE the picture of you and Gentry. :D



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