The Grieving Process of Selling a Horse

When Rose first left I didn't really feel any one way about it. The only sensation I noticed was that of stress relief and a sudden awareness of a lot more time in my day. This was a bit odd, as it had gotten to the point that I only went to the barn twice a week. Clearly, although I wasn't at the barn that often, I had pleantly of horse "stuff" taking up time in my mind, of course my blog, etc. This was all (except the blog) suddenly gone. I had A LOT more time on my hands.

This started out great. I began jogging four times a week. The house got cleaned, the dog got A LOT of attention. I finally had time to venture forth into the world of water bath canning for the first time ever. This was spurred on by my sudden free time that allowed me to attend the final few local farmers markets of the season. They are of course held on Saturday mornings, when I would normally be at the barn. I made pickles, lemon confit, and for once I beat the deer to my rose bushes and made rose hip jelly (this is quite a feat let me tell you). It was a splendid and productive two week period.

Then, I got a really unpleasant cold.

Now I am better, but unfortunately sitting around on one's duff for a week leaves a lot of thinking time. All my energy for pursuing fun new adventures went out the window immediately. Any and all strength I could must up was expended to ensure the small human is fed, changed, loved, and played with. So I got to think, a lot.

I have entered the, I miss my horse stage. I'm not sad, it was still the best decision for everyone for her to move onto a new home at this time in my mommy hood life. And a great new home at that. But I miss her. There is definitely a horse void in my life. Hopefully jogging will fill it? Yeah right.

Happy trails and swooshing tails!


  1. I experienced a lag time, if you will, when my horse passed. I was sad, but it wasn't that bad -- and like you said, I had a ton of time on my hands. After about a month it really set in (which included lots of tears), and while I didn't miss the stress, I missed being out at the barn and struggled with what to do in my free time.

    I never found anything to fill the void, but then again, I don't have a small human either.

  2. Maybe find a lonely horse to at least putz around on occasionally? I feel guilty spending time away from my small one for horses, but he also gets to come along with DH and he will get exposure to things most little kids don't these days. Hopefully in awhile you will be able to have time for both... Pony for the boy? ;)

  3. Makes a lot of sense. I've been horseless a handful of seasons in life and I always come back to riding in some way shape or form whether it's teaching, leasing, catch riding, taking a once a week group lesson or owning my own. They'll be a season for it again :)


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