Barefoot no more

This morning was a bit melancholy or bitter sweet. I'm not sure. Neither of those words really seem to fit my feelings on the subject. At 8am I headed out to the barn in the cool morning air, which was already promising the coming of mid-day summer heat. As per usual, the barn was bustling this morning. My trainer CR was there, the barn owners, another border, and a local gal that hauls in for lessons. It makes me long for the ability to ride in the mornings during the week instead of all alone at night. I love having some adult social interaction. They are all excited because they are getting ready to go to the dressage show in Spokane, WA this weekend. Everyone is going but me of course. Oh, well. Next year maybe.

I got Rose, who was still very sore on both fronts, from her paddock and groomed her up and took some before photos (including side and sole photos for future comparison) while I waited for JS to arrive. He got there right after everyone left to go to the arena for lessons. Perfect timing. We had a nice quiet barn all to ourselves.

Before: Bare feet

Given my history with Rose's feet from when she was younger (click here for the 2010 post) I was understandably nervous about the process of shoeing her. I always default to imagining her as a wild 2.5 year old. Bad habit that I need to get over. Anyway, I did not want Rose to pick up on my anxiety, so I did my best to stay calm and collected, put it in the back of my mind, and trust that JS knows how to do his job. I figured that the least I interfered the better. So once he got to work I mostly kept my distance and just took a few photos of the process. I needn't have worried though, Rose took it all very very well. She was understandably curious about the smelly smoke and was a little tender to the pressure of the nails being driven in on her bruised left front. But she stood nice and still and didn't do any of the potentially silly or dangerous things I had conjured up in my mind. It makes me proud of how far we have both come, and what a grown up girl she's turned into.

The first smokey sizzle of the hot set

Sizzle closeup

Midpoint: Hot set complete, waiting for nails.

First nail

Finishing the nails

Final touch ups

After: Shoes are on

I was very relieved when Rose walked out beautifully and sound. She was walking more energetically on the concrete and asphalt than I have ever seen her walk before. That makes me feel better about putting shoes on her. At least I know she's more comfortable now.

A whole new view of my horse that I never thought I'd see

Going forward? JS wants me to give her five days off to get used to the shoes. That's fine, MM understands the situation and will happily wait to ride her until next week. I'll pop on her Saturday and make sure all is well, but based on how much more comfortable she was immediately after the shoes went on, I can't imagine that she wont be completely sound this weekend. Here is to hoping all the foot drama is now behind us!

Happy trails and swooshing tails!


  1. Yay! It feels so much better to see immediate results when you are unsure about your decision!

  2. Nice kicks! Glad to hear Rose likes them so far as well :)

  3. Fingers crossed, sounds good so far


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