Hoof Photos

I am really bummed that I didn't take before photos of Rose's feet, because honestly there is a night and day difference from what they looked like before and after. However, her feet still have a ways to go before they are fully rehabilitated, so I plan on taking photo documentation of her feet as we progress. These photos I took this evening when I went out to the barn to love on, groom, and longe Rose. Mostly I wanted to see how she was moving with her new feet.

Here are what her feet look like today, 1 day post trim:

Front Feet
Note that they are a bit asymmetrical, squishing out to the outside.
This will improve over time, with her foot coming straight under her leg.
Inside and outside flares have been removed.

Front Left
Heels are under run. The angle needs to come back and up a bit still.
Flaky/peeling frog due to thrush. Note infection also in the heel bulb
and white line areas. To be addressed with 2-3x weekly topical.
Lopsided foot is really noticeable on the solar view. Lack of
bar trimming could account for this and also probably added to
the flare issue. I'll really be happy to see these feet more symmetrical.

Front Right
Same as left front.

Hind Feet
The hind feet toe out a bit, this will improve as time goes by.
Inside and outside flares have been removed.

Hind Left
Bull nose, due to coffin bone angle being off as a result of long toe
and heels under run. They need to come back and up a bit still.
This will go away as the angle improves.
Flaky/peeling frog due to thrush. Note infection also in the heel bulb
and white line areas. To be addressed with 2-3x weekly topical.

Hind Right
Same as left hind in addition to a flare/bulge to the outside. Again
likely due to bars not being maintained properly.

I was really surprised to see how much better Rose moved today. Mainly I wanted to make sure she wasn't lame, and I didn't have expectations that she'd already feel better with her new feet. For a while now her trot has seemed a bit stiff and flat to me. Today however she had bounce and loft in her trot. I can only imagine that it will get even better with time, and once the thrush (the soil caused fungal type of infection, not the gooey stinky bacterial kind) is under control. More on the thrush treatment to come...

Happy trails and swooshing tails!


  1. Yay for Rose! I can't wait to see how she progresses. :D You can use salt water for thrush too. I put salt in a spray bottle, add water, shake it up and spray it on the bottoms of the feet. It makes it so easy to clean out every bit of dirt out of the grooves and it toughens up soft soles too. Just don't use it the day she is trimmed. Salt water is bad for farrier/trimmer tools.


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