Time for a new helmet...

Due to safety concerns, as of Friday afternoon I am officially retiring my IRH ATH helmet. It was a good schooling helmet, although the shape did not fit my head to well. The IRH fit a lot like the GPA helmets, in my opinion. I have a rounder head and the Charles Owen line fits me much better. I have a GR8 for showing, so now I'm considering getting a JR8 for schooling, and trying to resist the urge to by the AYR8 Classic (I do love the classic velvet hunter look but also love the vents). Like I said, it's a fit thing, and the CO is the darn comfiest helmet I've ever worn.  But, I digress.

No, I did not fall off Rose.  

In fact, I was only grooming her at the time of the incident. In our barn, the grooming stalls have lights in cases on either side of the grooming stall that run lengthwise. They are topped with a handy shelf for putting one's things upon. It has become my habit to place my helmet and half-chaps on said shelf. Well, yesterday, Miss Thing decided to swoosh her big fluffy tail and knocked my helmet right off the shelf. Of course I was on the far side grooming her, so the only thing I was able to do was to say whoa and move forward to the cross tie and pray she didn't flip out. As my helmet hit the rubber mats it gently rolled toward Rose, and simultaneously he lifted and moved her hind right hoof in the direction of the helmets path, stepping right into the middle of my upside down helmet.

A distinct and audible cracking noise could be heard.

Initially my only concern was that Rose didn't freak out in the cross ties. She listened to me though and calmly pulled her foot out of the offending helmet and stood nice and quiet. As all was calm, I quickly retrieved my helmet in vain hope that I was imagining the crack. Not to be. There is a noticeable flat spot on the top of the helmet, and that coupled with the crack meant that I couldn't ignore it.

My new book-end.

With a heavy sigh, and price tags flashing before my eyes I retired my helmet to my bookcase. The IRH and I have had a good three years and two falls together. One fall was off of another 3 year old I was training before I bought Rose in which I had a soft landing in an arena whilst being hurled over a jump and landing mostly on my feet. The second was during our first attempted trail ride back in February. I know I should have probably replaced it after I hit the asphalt, but after careful inspection of the helmet and a review of the fall, I was pretty sure the only thing that didn't hit the pavement at the time was my head. Now I'm being responsible, throwing out the IRH and will start scouring the tack sales for a Charles Owen JR8. In the mean time, I am rocking my old-school non-vented velvet Troxel Grand Prix helmet. Good thing fall is right around the corner, I don't know if I could take too much more of the head sweat!

Happy trails and swooshing tails!

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  1. Aww that sucks! I'm glad she wasn't hurt though. At least we can all learn from your mistake and not put our helmets on a shelf where it can roll off near our horse. :D Thanks! Good luck finding the right helmet.


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