Back on track

Rose and I finally made it over to GMF for a very overdue lesson this past Saturday. Between her being laid up and wedding planning on my part, life has been very busy. Anyway, we had a great lesson and have a lot of work to do on our canter, downward transitions, and my position. I never thought that making the transition from the hunters to dressage would be easy, but I didn't realize how many different muscle groups were involved. I have plenty of faith that I can get my body in the correct position, but it is a bit difficult to learn what to do with myself while training Rose at the same time. A few lessons on a school master should help sort me out a bit. My goal is for us to go to a local show in early October, and complete the intro level tests. So now I need to start working on those as part of our routine, and hope I still have a good memory. I haven't had to memorize a course in about eight years, so I'm not too confident in my ability to easily remember the test. We will get there though!


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