We took a break from the monotony of studying and work today, and spent a sunny afternoon at the barn. This time of year in Portland, if the sun comes out, so do you. Its like liquid gold, and not to be taken for granted. So A and I piled in old blue (A's truck), which I drove (now that I have a horse I am obligated to learn to drive the truck, or so I've been informed) to the barn. I have to say, old blue handles quite nicely at freeway speeds, and the clutch is much easier than I had imagined. After arriving at the barn, and successfully backing the truck up to the trailer, we unloaded for an afternoon of sun baked barn fun!
The combination of cool, dry weather had the horses feeling frisky, and this was gonna be Rose's big day. With some assistance from AR and lots of tasty treats we got her to load onto the trailer for the first time (other than the day we brought her home...which was a miracle in itself). With a little luck, much repetition, and lots of treats, I think we are well on our way to many easy loading experiences in the future.
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